Studio 671

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We are a Custom Tattoo Studio
Open Monday – Saturday (3pm to 12am)
Closed on Sundays, (Appointments Only)
Piercings are by Appointments Only
Must be 18 and over
Minors must be accompany a Parent or Legal Guardian
yo wazzup guys i wanna get tattoo today..
I’m interested in getting a conch piercing and a rook piercing. How much would that cost in total? Am I suppose to be 18 yrs. old to get piercings by myself?
Studio 671 is the best place to go to for custom art drawings or anything.
Their price quotes are reasonable, and the cheapest that I’ve seen compared to other tattoo parlors on guam.
I have many tattoos and Studio 671 is my choice to be.
My name is marie. I was just wonderign & been meaning to ask if your able to send me the picture that was taken at your sudio somewhere last year in 2007. We were one of the first couple to get inked together in one room at the same time. I got the tinkerbell on my left shoulder & my husband got our son’s name on his right arm. if IT IS possible can you please send it to me at [email protected]. We are lloking forward to getting a new one sometime soon. We ltruly love 671 & the artists. We must admit, we have not gone anywhere else for our tattoos but at 671. THANK YOU.