Flatbed Towing & Wrecker Services
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Since 1995, we successfully offer professional towing, wrecker, roadside assistance.
We can help you with lock outs, jump starts, tire changes, ditch jobs and winching services.
Available 24 hours.
you should remove this listing , im the owner of this business and we located in Houston texas …this listing is causing a spam to my website.
Hafa Adai!
My name is Joanna Indalecio and I am one of the owners of Guam Massage Travel Agency.
We specialise in the tourism industry, as well as with residents, corporate occasions, public schools for teachers and staff, weddings, fiestas, birthday parties, and cater to the needs of on-site events.
We offer an array of modalities for you to choose from, including: Deep Tissue Massage, Maternity Massage, Reflexology, Swedish Massage, Shiatsu, Thai Yoga Therapy, Tui Na, Reiki, and Reiki Massage.
If ever you are interested in having us be a part of contributing to your staff’s special occasion (Teacher Appreciation Day, birthdays, etc.), you are welcome to contact us at:
*Our current local special for a 1 hr. Massage is $75 (1st time visit)
*Our package deals include:
Buy 3, get 1 free: $300
Buy 5, get 2 free: $500
Buy 8, get 3 free: $800
*Quick 5/10/15/20min. Massages are $1/min.
Thank you so much for your time,
Joanna Indalecio
Guam Massage Travel Agency