Construction Resources
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Construction Resources is a professional business supplement services group for construction related companies and organizations.
We offer vendors, contractors, and individuals the industry news, collaboration tools, software and facilities to gain ground in a booming market filled with opportunities.
We offer technological solutions and services to accomplish this, such as Prolog Manager, Prolog Converge, and Guam’s only web-based construction portal, SEInet
I hope that Construction Resources can update this post with more contact details so people can easily reach them.
Hi John,
I don’t work with this company but I saw your message and would want to help. I check this company in google and got their website as well as their email address. It didn’t take me 2 minutes to look for it.
Email: [email protected]
I am a General Manager of a Water Authority in Yap, FSM planning to fly over to Guam to establish a deal with Businesses that dealing with Plumbing Materials.
Yap State has no sufficient materials available in their hardwares.
Please provide with with an emails or website of all businesses in Guam that dealing with such materials.
Thank you.