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Think vacuuming your carpet, upholstery, vehicle carpets gets it clean? Think again. Even the best vacuum cleaner collects only a fraction of the dust, dirt and other allergens in your carpet, upholstery, vehicle carpet including pet dander and dust mites. Dust mites? You bet.

There are billions of these tiny insects that thrive on the stuff your vacuum cleaner doesn’t—and can’t—get out of it. Dirt is extracted, not rubbed down deeper into your carpet, upholstery, vehicle carpet from a bonnet. Steam Way Inc. uses environmentally safe and biodegradable material along with high temperature steam (140-240 degrees).

Truck mounted machines are much superior to portable cleaners. Waste water is collected and stored in a reservoir for disposal. When you have your carpet, upholstery, and vehicle carpet cleaned by Steam Way Inc., the only things you lose are spots, stains, odors, and ground in dirt. QUICKEST DRYING PROCESS ON ISLAND!
Call: Joe 777- 8326

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3 Reviews for “Steam Way Inc. Guam”
  1. June 11th, 2011
    Diana Says:

    This one sounds cool and they really have a point about just vacuuming the carpets. I will have to try this and update everyone with the result.

  2. April 3rd, 2011
    Mustard&Mayo Says:

    Try to call them Ms. Tapley. Look for Joe at 777-8326.

  3. March 1st, 2011
    Brittany Tapley Says:

    Looking to get my upholstery cleaned. Can you come on base?

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Steam Way Inc. in Guam. Guam Steam Way Inc..  Guam holiday, Guam Steam Way Inc. | z 5:06 pm | Wednesday, September 2, 2009 | HotGuam-Service | 17:08 | | 2009, September 2, Wednesday | Pacific Islands Club Guam, 17:06 | Wednesday, September 2nd, 2009 | 5:08 pm