HotProfile: Magic Lamp Wholesale

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Magic Lamp Wholesale has been in business for over 7 years now, we hold hundreds of mom and pops stores and grocery store accounts that carry our products around the island, and are very famous and sellable to all. We carry many merchandises, such as stationary, beauty, baby, kitchen, laundry, bath-room, cleaning products, souvenirs, and our most selling items our snacks. We’re a very big company but only have a few employees that I as the secretary guarantee to get the job done.


Please feel free to stop by anytime our hours of operations are as ff:
Monday-Friday and some Saturdays 8:30am-5:00pm


Tagaytay house and lot

Submit a QuikReview™ for: Magic Lamp Wholesale Guam



3 Reviews for “Magic Lamp Wholesale Guam”
  1. February 24th, 2013
    sathiya Says:

    please contact

  2. November 4th, 2011
    Richard Cavanagh Says:

    From Cavanagh Multi Purpose Trading Inc.
    9, Woodland Road, Bristol, BS8 1TB United Kingdom.

    Attention Sales Department:

    I came across your business advert via the internet and I am interested in purchasing some of your products, kindly provide us with your MOQ and Bulk order prices for our predilection.
    Thank you.

    Yours, faithfully,
    Richard Cavanagh Jr.
    General Manager
    Tel: 001144 70457 48135.

  3. July 6th, 2011
    Cali Says:

    This Guam Wholesaler carries a majority what you would need in your home, kitchen, bathroom. Also, they sell many cleaning products, toys for the kids, babies, BBQ’s, party supplies, and so much more. They may not be super high class, but not everyone can afford a super high class product…..So this company is all about being in your budget but with good quality.

Magic Lamp Wholesale Guam Phone Number:

(671) 646-2535

Magic Lamp Wholesale Guam Address:

#351 East Harmon Industrial Park Rd.

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Magic Lamp Wholesale in Guam. Guam Magic Lamp Wholesale.  hotels Guam, Guam Magic Lamp Wholesale | z 8:00 pm | Tuesday, July 5, 2011 | HotGuam-Service | 17:06 | | 2011, July 13, Wednesday | Guam island, 20:00 | Wednesday, July 13th, 2011 | 5:06 pm